Couples Counselling
Couples counselling for pornography addiction involves you coming along to counselling with your partner. Together, the three of us discuss the problem, and the effect that it’s having on your relationship. In my experience, men and women have quite different takes on pornography addiction and what it means.
Who it helps
The process of couples counselling helps people who are dealing with the pornography addiction and are also in a relationship where their partner is prepared to help them work on the problem. It can benefit both partners in the relationship as they both come to understand what pornography use means for the other person, but also how they can stop fighting about it and join forces towards finding a solution.
Why it works
This process works because, in addition to talking about the problem, you also have a chance to discuss your perspective and experience with your partner. In a mediated environment like couples counselling, I can facilitate and guide the discussion so that you both can deepen your understanding of the other person in a way that can be hard to do when it’s just the two of you together and emotions are high. Further, you can also learn tools and techniques that you’ll be able to use outside of counselling to repair and restore your relationship.
What it’s for
The purpose of this is to help couples get beyond the effect of pornography addiction on their relationship. It also helps couples actually start to deal with some of the difficulties that they have had in their relationship that may have contributed to the pornography problem.
What to expect
You can both expect to be treated with respect and with understanding. You can expect to be heard and understood. Further, you can also expect to be able to better understand the other person’s point of view. Couples undergoing this process can also reasonably expect that their communication and intimacy will improve; and that some of the long-term structural difficulties that their relationship has had may be addressed.
Couples counselling for pornography addiction costs $145 per 50 minute session. I don’t charge for the initial getting-to-know-you initial consultation.
If you feel this is of interest to you, please contact me to set up an initial consultation.